
Besides a cultural, historical and educational exchange of experiences, the global aim of this project is to introduce and promote independent learning through ICT at schools. This will take form in exchanging but also in developing materials, ICT tools and in evaluating the used methods and ICT tools.

The teachers of all departments will participate in the exchange. This will create an environment where ICT will be openly discussed among the complete staff. During the exchange they will share opinions, methods and tools to be used in the future at their own school.

In the mean time the policy makers will participate in the project by creating a good foundation for the teachers. These fundaments are important for a climate change for using  more ICT and piloting new projects in the school for independent learning.

We will try to act as a sharing platform. All teachers involved will gather and select interesting didactical methods, present or not present. If it’s not present, they will try to develop new materials to create as much added value as possible. During the project we will try to create a resource bank with great value for the participants. It will be possible to look up the gathered information, with a good level of control over the presented content. This resource bank will contain: the methods, the ICT tools, reports of the tested methodologies by teachers and students, evaluation forms, … After the 3-year-project we will open the resource bank for all schools and educational related instances so they can use all the collected and developed materials and ICT tools too.

The use of an e-learning platform, like Smartschool, will provide an extra but also more effective way to communicate with all the partners. This is in fact the fastest and most accurate way of communication to share all materials and evaluating reports.

Finally the policy makers are exploring new boundaries to go further in their support by creating and developing strategies to implement more of these tools in class situations. This will conclude in training teachers in newly acquired methods and introducing or piloting them in real class situations. This must take place in several subject groups in the partner schools. We will help each other to achieve a much smoother implementation of all tools and methods provided by the project.


First, we thought together about Independent Learning:

Our reflections about it
Definition of Independent Learning

Then, we implemented the searched methods in our practice:
(see The Methods page)

Finally, we tried to have some feedback from teachers and students:

The Questionnaire:
Teachers Questionnaire
Students Questionnaire
Students quantitative results
Teachers quantitative results

This project was designed and done between 2005 and 2009.
See documents presented and shared by the partners in the work sessions:

0 - Warsaw - November 2005

1 - Houthalen - November 2006

2 - Funchal - January 2007

3 - Amadora - May 2007

4 - Funchal - February 2008

5 - Austrheim - May 2008

6 - Amadora - November 2008

7 - Houthalen - February 2009

8 - Austrheim - May 2009